Monday, September 30, 2013

... "Do you like APPLES?"

How 'ya like 'DEM APPLES?!
(--'Good WillHunting')

((... Her number is "the BEST number--73"(--'The Big Bang Theory').))

Oh, WOE is ME!

Since I'm OBSESSED with any/ALL SPORTS, it's the time of year in which JUST ABOUT

THE ONLY viewable sport (PRO/COLLEGE football) is on the WEEKENDS.
So, I MIGHT be bloggin' more OFTEN.


... "Consumption-Log": Week 2:

(9/223- 9/27)

Amount                                                              Time

Day 1
 ~1.75 cups of fruit-cocktail                             ~8.00 minutes
(pears, peaches and APPLE SAUCE)

Day 2
~3/4 of a cup of apple pie                              ~4.00 minutes
(from McDonald's)

Day 3
~1.5 cups of carrots                                      ~4.00 minutes

Day 4
~1 cup of peaches                                       ~3.00 minutes

Day 5
~1.5 cups of "sweet potatoes"                    ~7.00 minutes


5 days/6.5 cups of food/~26.00 minutes

(26/.0/6.5 = ~4 minutes/cup)

On average, I ate ~ONE cup of VARIOUS food per FOUR minutes.

WOW! Thanks to "NeuroFit 360" (my EXTRAORDINARY gym)!!

(Also, I've GOTTA give a KUDOS to my UPPER-body trainer!)

So, from Saturday, August 31st, 2013 at ~4:00 pm to Monday, September 30th, 2013 at ~1:00 pm, I have NOT openly complained of NECK-pain.
(That's ~30 days ~ 720 hours ~  43200 minutes ~ 2,592,000 seconds.)
Now, I HAVE TO factor in the time LESS THAN a FULL day:
(... + ~21 hours ~ 1260 minutes ~ 75600 seconds)

... Ergo, that would be ~30.875 days.
More specifically/PRECISELY, it's
741 hours OR 44,460 minutes.
EVEN MORE EXACTLY, it's ~2,667,600 seconds.

... Maybe I'm FINALLY listening to the advice/tips from my trainers about BETTER "posture" and STRAIGHTENED "head/neck-positioning", and my neck-strength is IMPROVING.
("Knock on wood.")


Sunday, September 29, 2013

I am ... "The ONE". (Part 2)

"We CANNOT 'see' the choices we do NOT make."--The Oracle, 'The Matrix Reloaded'

I CHOSE TO drive home from Karate-class on that FATEFUL, INFAMOUS July 7, 2008 (6/7/08 = numbers = YEAH!) morning.

I'm NOT a "spur of the moment"/SPONTANEOUS/"fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants" kinda guy--ESPECIALLY POST-accident.
(... I NEED extra prep-time, since EVERYTHING takes me LONGER to do in lieu of my injuries--EXCEPT mental math.)

(... ACTUALLY, I think that my "mental math"-capabilities have somehow IMPROVED!
Since I struggle to CONSISTENTLY, LEGIBLY write, I RELY/"DEPEND ON" my "brain-POWER" now MORE THAN EVER.)

... Ergo, PRE-accident my "MENTAL math"-STRENGTH" was only a "LUXURY".
Now, it's more of a "NECESSITY".

"Everything that has a 'BEGINNING' has an 'END'.
(--Agent Smith, 'The Matrix Reloaded')

The math is just WRONG!

RELAX!  I meant the "office"'s adding was BLATANTLY WRONG--not MINE!
(Y'all thought I committed BLASPHEMY by speaking harsh words about MY calculations.

( DON'T revere me as some kind of a math-GOD.
I DO make--INFREQUENT--errors.  Contrary to popular belief, I AM--rather IN-frequently--"fallible"--with NUMBERS.
I just "speak" the same "language" as numbers.
I'm quite fluent in "NUMEROLOGY".)

... This past Thursday, I had an appointment to see my "podiatrist" ("foot-doctor").
((I was monitoring my watch, 'cuz my ex-girlfriend's O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) kinda "rubbed off on me".))

I sat--twiddling my thumbs"--in the "WAITING room" of a close-to-EMPTY office for 84 minutes. ... My appointment lasted LESS THAN six minutes.

WHAT SENSE DOES IT MAKE, when I see the ACTUAL DOCTOR for less than (6/84 =) 1/14th of the time I "WAITED"?!
So, I was with my doctor for (~6/90 =) ~1/15th of my "IN-OFFICE" time.

(OBVIOUSLY, our government/society is NOT "Utilitarian"--a creed by which we'd strive for "the greatest GOOD for the greatest NUMBER".)

(... SIGH)

Saturday, September 28, 2013

A.A.R.P. commercial:

"NOT everyone peaks in their 20s."

So, as  Mr. Andy Dufresne of 'The Shawshank Redemption' states:
"Remember HOPE is a good thing--maybe the BEST of things."

Also, my PHENOMENAL gym--"NeuroFit 360"--has the word "HOPE" painted on the ceiling.

So, although I graduated from a HERALDED Ivy League college at age 22--and I'm CURRENTLY 28--I feel that my GREATEST achievement--my "PEAK"--would/WILL be when I--WITHOUT any assistance--walk again.


"97X ... BAM! The FUTURE of Rock N' Roll."

... --Raymond Babbitt (played by actor Dustin Hoffman) in 'Rain Man'

"Dad lets me drive slow on the driveway ... of course, ONLY on Saturday.
Of course, it's definitely not 'SAT-urday.
Today's MUN-day."
(THAT was phonetic--DELIBERATELY.)

"UH, eight minutes 'til Wapner."

... "UH, seven minutes."

"UH-OH, fart."

(YET AGAIN, I am a REAL-LIFE 'Rain Man'.)

Friday, September 27, 2013

According to LITTLE "Ray"

... (the little kid in the movie, 'Jerry Maguire'):
"The HUMAN HEAD weighs EIGHT pounds."

THIS is very true ... to a degree.
(The AVERAGE--MALE--human brain weighs APPROXIMATELY three pounds.
HOWEVER, the TYPICAL--FEMALE--brain weighs APPROXIMATELY only 2.8 pounds.

WOMEN "pack more in the (MENTAL) punch" than their MALE counterparts.

... Ray ALSO claimed:
"BEES and DOGS can smell FEAR."

(The jury's still out on that one.  But, the verdict's looking' like a "YES, it's TRUE.")

I bring this film up, because I TOTALLY agree with Mr. Maguire:
He stated, "If you come at me,
... you WILL LOSE!"

(Based on my 21+ years of "martial arts"-training, I EXUDE confidence in my self-defense--DESPITE my physical-disabilities.)

Thursday, September 26, 2013


At first, I had an IDEA that I'd WALK again.
After my recent PHYSICAL-PROGRESS at my SPECTACULAR gym  ("NeuroFit 360"), I now BELIEVE I'll eventually WALK.

I'm NOT gonna (PUBLICLY) "BAD-MOUTH" my PREVIOUS LONG-TIME rehab-facility.
But, "NeuroFit 360"--my gym--has been such an INSTRUMENTAL BLESSING to my PHYSICAL-recovery!
"It's MUCH HARDER to change a BELIEF than an IDEA!"

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I am "The ONE".

My best friend will--appropriately--play the part of "The Creator".

Thus, my blog is 'The Matrix'.

ME?  (See subject.)

P.S. "My name ... is NEO."

P.P.S. Since "The Creator" and I are both FUNNY, then Youtube "Matrix Reloaded MTV Parody".


So, a new staff-member at my SPECTACULAR gym ("NeuroFit 360") provided me with some GREAT, HELPFUL tips that I'll HOPEFULLY remember.

She (CRUD!  There goes the gender-secrecy.) repeatedly NAGGED me about my POOR head/neck-positioning.

(Cue the gender-stereotypes.)
I MIGHT better remember HER "needling", 'cuz FE-males generally use your explanation to help determine determine a SUITABLE "answer".
MALES just "assume" ("NEVER 'assume', 'cuz that makes an ASS out of U & ME.") they already KNOW their way is BEST.

P.S, As a MALE, A.J., I am VERY OFFENDED by your Seemingly Stupid, Sexist, Supposed Superiority!
("Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')

... "Mozart, Beethoven--they just LOOKED at it., ... and they could play."

(--'Good Will Hunting')

... With MATH and NUMBERS, I "PLAY".

The product of the first SEVEN ("Lucky number seven") ODD (I'm ODD/STRANGE.), NON-zero #s is ...

135135--the first three "ODD, NON-zero #s" repeated once ... in SIX-digit form.

P.S. Like "Rain Man", I can "count cards".
SSSHHH!  Vegas might be listening.

P.P.S. I, TOO, have a (type of) brain-injury.

My new alias:

"The K-Man" is a nickname used by Cosmo Kramer of 'Seinfeld'.

I think this nickname could ALSO apply to ... myself.  Here's why:

-- My last name ALSO begins with a "K".

-- I've been told that I'm funny.

-- I'm--ADMITTEDLY--"weird".

-- I DON'T go by my FIRST name.
(I answer to my initials--"A.J.".)


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

WAY TO GO, trainers!

The "messages"/"nerve- & muscle-impulses" are FINALLY getting from my brain to my MANY muscles (~206)!

1) I'm FINALLY heeding and "processing" the PHENOMENAL advice of the staff at "NeuroFit 360".
(EVERY TIME I have to get out of my wheelchair, I INSIST on pushing up AND STANDING UP ... MYSELF!)

2) My posture and endurance are MUCH IMPROVING, thanks MAINLY to my "work" with the "TRX" (standing & stretching cords).


Sunday, September 22, 2013




Amount of Food                     Time

Day 1
1.0 cups of peaches            ~10.00 minutes

Day 2
1.0 cups of peaches           ~6.00 minutes

Day 3
~1.5 cups of banana        ~8.00 minutes

Day 4
~1.5 cups of banana       ~4.00 minutes

Day 5
~1.0 cups of pears         ~5.00 minutes
~1.5 cups of pears         ~5.50 minutes

In FIVE days, I consumed ~7.5 cups of food--VIA MOUTH--in ~38.50 minutes.
7.5/38.5 = ~ 0.195 "cups of food"/minute ... with NO stomach-ailments


(... This is YET ANOTHER example of how NUMBERS can evoke EMOTIONS ... like JOY.)
(... Along those same lines of NUMERICAL-causing JOY, need I mention the lotto/lottery?!)

(MATH is very RELAXING to me.)



(This is--GENERALLY/"FOR THE MOST PART"--my "BLOGGING-schedule":

ANY evening POST-7:00 pm


(These are just GENERAL ... APPROXIMATIONS.)
Though I lack a--MONETARILY-PAYING--"job", my PRIMARY "occupation" of REHABILITATION and RECOVERY is "24/7".
My form of "payment" is
SPEECH anne PHYSICAL progress.

HEALTHY INDEPENDENCE > financial prosperity & stability
(Leave it to the math-NERD that I am to equate my mental/physical health to a MATHEMATICAL inequality.  I say, "HUSH to the collective SIGH!")

... Although, once in a while, I like to "keep 'my readers' GUESSING",

like NOW.

(... So, GUESS:
In 12th grade, which "Senior Superlative" did I win/EARN?)


Saturday, September 21, 2013

This is just how I think:


-- MATH is a UNIVERSAL language.
(Though the native, spoken LANGUAGE may differ from country to country, the numbers remain "CONSTANT" (a MATH-ematical term).

-- Numbers SUPPOSEDLY can't express emotions..
Then, explain THIS:

Don't people NEED "numbers" in order to EXPRESS an "EQUILIBRIUM"?  (My apologies.  The bioengineer in me is "bustin' out".)

In an athletic event, doesn't the SCORE--expressed "NUMERICALLY"--cause/"bring out" EMOTIONS/FEELINGS?  (The underdog-team and its fans will EXPRESS joy and excitement.  The favorite would EXPRESS sorrow, regret and worry/frustration.)
(... Provided said sport is NOT soccer or hockey--which can end in a NUMBER-based tie.  The NUMERICAL score will indicate a HAPPY, RELIEVED, victorious team and a GRUMPY, DEJECTED bunch of losers.


Friday, September 20, 2013

... "The difference between 'ordinary' and 'EXTRAordinary' is

... "that LITTLE 'extra'."

So, I ate ~ONE to TWO cups of pears--BY MOUTH--for brunch.
Since I had ZERO problems eating that, and I am EAGER to IMPROVE;
I had ANOTHER "pear-meal" of ~ONE cup of SAID pears this "PREvening"(--'The Big Bang Theory')
(at ~5 pm)

(I ate--BY MOUTH--today's SECOND "meal" of pears in ~FIVE MINUTES.

"WHY do we FALL?"

"So we learn to pick ourselves up."
(--'Alfred, 'Batman Begins')

In MY case,
1) "... "The ROYAL 'we'.  The EDITORIAL ..."(--'The Big Lebowski')
2) ... So, the-tire-company PLANNED my UNFORTUNATE car-accident.
    I'd bet my WINNING my lawsuit AGAINST said tire-company was an embarrassing (metaphorical)

... Be PATIENT about my "picking myself up".

Let me work my MAGIC.

... Another one "bites the dust".

(THAT was A BIT of a "play on words"/pun.)
(... Yeah, it was DELIBERATE.)

So, for brunch today (JUST NOW), I consumed (fork to food to inner mouth to esophagus to stomach to--(EVENTUALLY) rectum then toilet.

 I consumed ~ONE CUP of diced, peeled pears.
I like the fruit I eat (peaches, bananas, pears), because their CONSISTENCY is very helpful in my eating-process.
(--'Animal House')

(... However, I am BY NO MEANS "FRUITY"!)
(... Not that there's anything WRONG with that lifestyle!
I just wanted to establish my personal PREFERENCE.)

... I ate SAID pears in ~FIVE MINUTES.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

WOW, "NeuroFit 360" (my gym)!

The said PHENOMENAL FACILITY ("Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball') purchased a new machine that I used today.  So, I acted as a "guinea pig" for it.
(I forgot the NAME of the machine!  ... I'll get it.  ...)

I STOOD next to the machine as I gripped the two handles--one in each hand.
Both sides were WEIGHTED.
I would LIFT/RAISE/"PULL 'BACK'//'UP" one WEIGHTED handle as  I would LOWER/"PUSH DOWN" the opposite side.

This was NOT asked of me, but I'm ALWAYS trying to "BETTER myself":
As I LIFTED one arm, I would SIMULTANEOUSLY lower my other arm VERY SLOWLY--to "build"/develop my MUSCLE-CONTROL.

... "No, not 'EIGHT'! SEVEN-minute abs!"

... --''There's Something About Mary''

So, I've begun to feed MYSELF--via mouth INSTEAD OF via "g-tube".
(For now, doing this procedure will LIMIT my necessary caloric-intake by "g-tube".)
(... I gotta take "Baby Steps"--'What about Bob?')

I've been eating at lunchtime the past FOUR days.

DAILY Consumption-Log:
(My goal is ALWAYS to finish my "meal" in UNDER 20 minutes--like at a NORMAL social meal.)

Monday (9/16/13):
I used a fork to eat diced peaches.

Tuesday (9/17/13):
... Same as the day before.
(IMPROVING, I finished in ~SIX MINUTES.)

Wednesday (9/18/13):
I changed to a banana.
(I ate the FIRST half from HOLDING the banana and its peel.
As the banana's size DECREASED, my nurse eventually just sliced it up.)
(I finished in ~EIGHT MINUTES.)

Thursday (9/19/13):
... Same as the day before.
ONLY today, the banana was already sliced.
(... Ergo, I finished the banana in ~FOUR MINUTES.)

NO indigestion or ANY other problems.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

SSSHHH! I have SIMILAR-THINKING accomplices in Hollywood, CA. SSSHHH!

TERRIFIC, MATH-based/concentrated television-show,


are all BRILLIANT!

(How they made number-manipulation/comprehension SO FASCINATING/ENTERTAINING is REMARKABLE!)

('KUDOS' to them for making my--SUPPOSEDLY--"boring"/"stupid" math-INFATUATION QUITE interesting!)

Conflict of interest:


Jedi-Master Yoda of 'Star Wars' preaches:
"DO or DO NOT.  There is no 'TRY'."

(... Now, I'm all about "using my inner ONE-ness".)

HOWEVER, Mr. Miyagi of ''The Karate Kid' teaches:
"Don't say you CAN'T.  You must TRY."

(I've only had over 21 years of INTENSE "martial arts-training".)

We "LEARN from our MISTAKES."
Ergo, we MUST apply "TRIAL and error".

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

'Cogito ergo sum.'

(It's Latin for 'I THINK, therefore I AM.')

(My LOGICAL, CLEAR-MINDED thinking  "falls" in DIRECT contrast to the thoughts/opinions/beliefs of the American government.)

Although I cannot consistently speak cogently--YET--or walk--YET, I can still VERY CLEARLY/LUCIDLY understand MUCH of what happens around me.

((... Also, since I struggle to consistently write LEGIBLY, I MUST do A LOT of MENTAL MATH.
My mom MARVELS at my "MELODIOUS" mental-mathematical mastery (--"Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')!))

Not only do I occasionally MENTALLY "balance my mom's checkbook, but I monitor MY OWN finances by "CRUNCHING numbers" ... IN MY HEAD.

P.S. I didn't even STUDY Latin in academia.  I was in the "SPANISH Honor Society".
(Using ebonics, "I just KNOW shit.")

((... Pardon my expletive.  I just used it to--humorously (I HOPE!)--"illustrate" my point.


... the "WARNING" on my posting TWO "posts" ago.

(I don't know WHY it's there.)

(... Perhaps I'm FORGETTING, 'cuz it's NOT funny ... or numerical.)

(... OR, there's the fact that I have a "Traumatic BRAIN-Injury".)

... Another example of RANDOM memory:


pi =

3.1415926535987 ...

WARNING: "Pinky, are YOU pondering what I'M pondering?"

"I think so, Brain.  But, if Jimmy cracked corn, and NOBODY cared.
WHY does he keep doing it?!"


"I think so, Brain.  But, where are we gonna find rubber pants OUR size?!"

(--Pinky & The Brain, 'Animaniacs')

These RANDOM quotes DON'T have ANYTHING to do with MY life.
HOWEVER, the fact that I could REMEMBER 'em displays PART OF my rehabilitation/recovery:
COMEDY/HUMOR is a PHENOMENAL "trigger" for my memory!

REMINDER: My blog is MEANT to be

... a source of INSPIRATION!

Yes, I had the HORRIBLE MIS-fortune of suffering a "T.B.I." ("Traumatic Brain-Injury").
HOWEVER, I'm aiming to--CONTRARY to POPULAR belief--demonstrate that not ALL brain-injuries are COMPLETELY mentally-DESTRUCTIVE/DEBILITATING!

"'HOPE' is a GOOD thing--maybe the BEST of things."
(--'Shawshank Redemption')
(... PHENOMENAL film!)

"Press on."

Over the last "few" ("Few" = "three") days, my laptop AND additional computer ("DynaVox") have NOT been working.
( :( )

Ergo, I 'm TEMPORARILY using my my desktop in my office.

(When a problem arises, you MUST adapt.)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

'Ya hear that?

... Olivia Newton-John is singing her hit song "Let's Get ... Physical.  PHYSICAL!"

So, I abided.

FIRST, I went to one of my dojos to prepare for my next Karate/'Jiujitsu'-TEACHING lesson/class.

NEXT, I came home, lied/lay down on my cushioned table in my exercise-room and SAID I'd do 20 crunches.  (... So, I did 25.)
"The difference between 'ordinary' and 'EXTRAORDINARY' is that little EXTRA."

FINALLY, I did 30 squats while holding my shower-rail.
(The MOST squats I usually do is 25 reps.)

I guess that my endurance and core-strength really ARE IMPROVING!
(Thank you, "NueroFit 360".)


Friday, September 13, 2013

Montell (Jordan) understands.

... As Mr. Jordan states--in song:

Seeing as it's Friday night,

"This is how we do it 
La ra ra ra ra ra... 

This is how we do it. 
It's Friday night, and I feel all right 
The party is here on the West side 
So I reach for my 40 and I turn it up 
Designated driver take the keys to my truck 
Hit the shore 'cause I'm faded 
Honeys in the street say, "Monty, yo we made it!" 
It feels so good in my hood tonight 
The summertime skirts and the guys in Kani 
All the gang bangers forgot about the drive-by 
You gotta get your groove on, before you go get paid 
So tip up your cup and throw your hands up 
And let me hear the party say            
1- I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because 
(This is how we do it) 
South Central does it like nobody does 
(This is how we do it) 
To all my neighbors you got much flavor 
(This is how we do it) 
Let's flip the track, bring the old school back 
(This is how we do it)      

This is how we do it, all hands are in the air 
And wave them from here to there 
If you're an O.G. mack or a wanna-be player 
You see the hood's been good to me 
Ever since I was a lower-case G 
But now I'm a big G. The girls see I got the money 
A hundred-dollar bills y'all 

If you were from where I'm from then you would know 
That I gotta get mine in a big black truck 
You can get yours in a '64 

Whatever it is, the party's underway 
So tip up your cup and throw your hands up 
And let me hear the party say 
(repeat 1...) 

I'm kinda buzzed and it's all because 

(This is how we do it) 
South Central does it like nobody does 
(This is how we do it) 
YNV, SCC, all my homies 
(This is how we do it) 
I'll never come wack on an old school track." 


"Check it out! 
Once upon a time in '94 
Montell made no money and life sure was slow 
All they said was 6'8" he stood 
And people thought the music that he made was good 
There lived a D.J. and Paul was his name 
He came up to Monty, this is what he said 
You and OG are gonna make some cash 
Sell a million records and we'll make in a dash."  

( ... "The West side" of the Atlantic")

( ... "The ROYAL 'We', the EDITORIAL ..."--'The Big Lebowski')

(So, this song translates:


(Now, MY-version … entitled 'With TIME & WORK, I'll Dooo It':)

"So, of course, I'll DOOO it.  
La ra ra ra ra ra... 

So, of course I'll DO IT.
I hear dat 'weekend-BELL', & I'm doin' rather WELL.
Da walkin''s here in DAY-VEE.
My brain 'messages' my legs but no RIH-PLY.
My iron-WILL 'brushes my brain AH-SIDE'
And claims, 'Yo, I got DIS.'
Patients at my gym MARVEL, 'Look at DAT!'
It feels so good in my brain TUH-NIGHT.
The thoughts of my eventual WALKIN' & TALKIN'
Have 'triggered' me with HOPE.  So, I got-to THINKIN'.  
''I've gotta SHIFT through my HIPS, when I 'WALK'.''
That E-LIM-IH-NATES my hip-PAIN.

I'm kinda SAD, & it's all bih-CAUSE
(Of course, I'll do it.) 
MY mind controls it like NOBODY DOES!
(Of course, I'll do it.) 

To ALL you 'HATUHS', you've got much DOUBT!
(Of course, I'll do it.) 
I shaN'T give-up & POUT!
(Of course, I'll do it.) 

Of course I'll do it--WALKING with my eyes UP in the AIR.
I'll casually-STROLL from here to there.
Since I've LONG-been athletic & 'wicked-SMAHT',
Combining the two's been QUITE the AHT!
Ever since I was 'just a lil' FAHT',
I've been MASTER-ful with NUMBUHS!
I need yo' 'DIGITS', LADIES!

If I could express my psychological-pain, I WOULD.
WHEN I can explain my intense-FRUSTRATIONS, 
ONLY then MIGHT y'all 'get ME'.

Regardless of nerves, recovery BEGINS!
So, be impressed & doN'T criti-CIZE!
Nevertheless, my rehab's under-WAY.
So, tip your cap but do NOT be-LITTLE!
I can 'READ' … your FACE!

(Repeat CHORUS)

(Of course, I'll do it.) 
My WILL & PRIDE woN'T let me QUIT!"

"Yo, yo, YO!  Check it-OUT!
Once upon a time, back in '08,
I HAVE two black belts, but I love-to TEACH!
I sought-to show another great 'tech-NEEK'!
The students all-thanked me for being so GOOD!
I like-to combine jujitsu with WRESTLING.
In THAT-respect, my lessons are quite 'you-NEEK'.Y'all students are gonna GAIN some SKILLS,
Provided you doN'T 'run for the HILLS!"


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

... Again, I am NOT cocky!

... (Also, I do NOT know magic.
IS magic REAL?!)

I like to think that THIS QUOTE applies to ME:

"The first rule of magic is
'Always be the smartest one in the room.'"
(--'Now You See Me')

("Hindsight's 20:20."
THAT WAS a bit condescending.)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Although I have a "T.B.I." ("Traumatic Brain-Injury"),

... "I am THE WIZ, and NOBODY beats me!"

(I'm NOT cocky/egotistical/narcissistic.
I just KNOW I'm VERY bright.
(I earned ALL "A"'s THROUGHOUT high school, "dazzled minds" in my valedictory (I quoted "Barney, the big, purple dinosaur".)

(... There's a difference between FACT and OPINION.)

(However, by stating that I'm fully AWARE OF my (SUPPOSEDLY) WONDERFUL wisdom, aren't I being HYPOCRITICAL?!)

(... Okay, so maybe my Incredible, Immaculate Intelligence ONLY applies to My Mastery of Mathematical Matrices.)
(... "Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')

Comments - (Guest Post)

A.J. and I (Grant) have indeed turned on comments, and A.J. will be moderating them and responding to those he can.

If you're visiting the home page of A.J.'s blog - - then you will not see the comment field where you can comment on each post.

In order to see and add comments to a blog post, you must click on the title of the blog post. This will take to you the URL of the post itself. For this post, for instance, the post URL is -

When you're on the page for each individual post, then you'll see the comments section.

Happy Commenting,

Monday, September 9, 2013

YET ANOTHER responsibility:

... However, this "chore" is MORE THAN WELCOME!

Rather than--PREVIOUSLY--email my blog-posts to "the Creator" (... Am I in 'The Matrix'?!)--the "middleman"--for him to revise before posting MY (sometimes VERY RANDOM) thoughts, I NOW regulate MY/ALL blog-action.

On that note, PLEASE feel free to "COMMENT" on ANY post you (my readers) so desire.
(I'll "reply" to AS MANY "comments" as time allows.)
(... Let's NOT forget about my REQUIRED time for my "recovery"/"rehabilitation".
(... JEEZ!  Don't those words make it seem like I "abuse" alcohol?
"The FIRST step is ADMITTING you have a problem."-A.A.)

(... NOT funny)

(... Maybe A LITTLE?)

ALL in good time.

"There's a DIFFERENCE between
KNOWING your 'path' and
'WALKING' it."
(--Morpheus, 'The Matrix')

(... Now, Morpheus means this METAPHORICALLY.  
But, FOR ME the quote has a LITERAL application/interpretation.)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

The IOC "realized the (BLATANT) error of their ways":


(As a former high school and collegiate WRESTLER, I am APPALLED that this particular sport-ELIMINATION was even CONSIDERED!



1) Although my speech is NOT always "intelligible"/comprehensible/CLEAR,  my brother understood EXACTLY what I JUST said.  
((As we watched the Miami Dolphins-Cleveland Browns (FOOTBALL) game, he comprehended, when I shouted "GOOD CALL" after a CORRECTLY-overturned "challenge".
(So, it certainly HELPS, when "my audience" understands the CONCEPT of my "subject-matter".

2) Recently, my YOUNGER MALE-counterpart (Read: "YOUNGER BROTHER") was demonstrating--to his girlfriend--how to PROPERLY conjugate verbs in Turkish.  (He and I are HALF-Turkish.)
(I KNEW/KNOW how to do said foreign-conjugation, but the "REVIEW" was MUCH APPRECIATED!)


Saturday, September 7, 2013

"The GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY"

... I recently developed an UNFORTUNATE cut.
( :( )

The location of said cut forces me to use my leg-STRENGTH to push off my wheelchair-footrests in order to maintain SEMI-comfort.

Said cut is, SURPRISINGLY VERY painful.

Said cut is on my 'gluteus maximus' (BUTT).

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

How to resolve/settle ANY argument:

Employ the CLASSIC game, "Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock".


  • Scissors  cut paper 
  • Paper covers rock 
  • Rock crushes lizard 
  • Lizard poisons Spock 
  • Spock smashes (or melts) scissors
  • Scissors decapitate lizard
  • Lizard eats paper
  • Paper disproves Spock
  • Spock vaporizes rock
  • Rock breaks scissors

There are ten possible pairings of the five gestures; each gesture beats two of the other gestures and is beaten by the remaining two.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

'"Baby Steps'"

No, I'm not JUST quoting the title of the book written by Dr. Leo Marvin in the movie, 'What About Bob?'. 

... I am summarizing my strategy/improvements in my WALKING--with the aid of leaning on my walker.

(... My analysis is BOTH literal AND metaphorical.)

P.S. "SHOUT-OUT" to my PHENOMENAL LEGS/TRUNK-training gym--"NeuroFit 360"!


"It's all ANGLES."

... I exemplified such a GREAT IMPROVEMENT in my LEFT shoulder straight-armed INCLINATION that I decided to take an ESTIMATE of my NEW "line of inclination".  

Sitting in my wheelchair, I kept my LEFT arm STRAIGHT, while I REPEATEDLY lifted it to ~126 degrees from straight down against my side.

GREAT workout today!

ONE day per week--today--I "work" my UPPER-body.
While THREE days per week I "exercise" my LOWER-body and CORE/TRUNK.

TODAY, my ARM-trainer remarked just how "AWESOME" my IMPROVEMENT in my LEFT arm-RANGE of MOTION is!

Also, I did two sets of 15 curls of a FIVE POUND small dumbbell--with my LEFT/WEAKER/INJURED arm.
(Granted, NORMALLY, this is NOT a NORMAL "big deal".  But, I'm NOT "normal".)
Considering my MAXIMUM curling-weight was previously ONLY TWO or THREE pounds--lifted on only two occasions, this is 


Monday, September 2, 2013

... Alliteration, Part II

... Over the last ~"few" months, I've been testing my "MULTI-tasking" ability.  Up to TWICE per day, I've--SIMULTANEOUSLY--applied my deodorant--using BOTH arms, ONE-at-a-time--while my "caregiver" put on my socks.  
(Granted, this procedure USUALLY only happened SIX days-a-week.

So, if I were to "break down" my analysis MATHEMATICALLY--for MY comprehension, it'd look like this:

"Few" = 3
Days/Month = 31
Weeks/Month = ~4.328
# of days of "activity" PER MONTH = 31
# of occurrences of "activity" PER MONTH = 62

3 x 62 = 186 "specific events"

"Few" = 3
Days/Month = 30 
Weeks/Month = ~4.286
# of days of "activity" PER MONTH = (6 x ~4.286 = ~25.716 --> Round DOWN. --> 25
# of occurrences of "activity" PER MONTH = 25 

3 x 25 = 75 "specific events"

Ergo, my TOTAL # of "trials" is "x", in which 

75 < or equal to x < or equal to 186

My Mother Mumbles and Moans that Multi-tasking Mars the Manufacturing of Minor Miracles en Masse

"Alliteration aside."

... (To be CONTINUED ...)

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