Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Comments - (Guest Post)

A.J. and I (Grant) have indeed turned on comments, and A.J. will be moderating them and responding to those he can.

If you're visiting the home page of A.J.'s blog - ajkturk.blogspot.com - then you will not see the comment field where you can comment on each post.

In order to see and add comments to a blog post, you must click on the title of the blog post. This will take to you the URL of the post itself. For this post, for instance, the post URL is - http://ajkturk.blogspot.com/2013/09/comments-guest-post.html

When you're on the page for each individual post, then you'll see the comments section.

Happy Commenting,

1 comment:

  1. ... WAY to CLARIFY!

    (... "It's SMOOTH ... like a BIG STICK of BUTTUH!"--Mike Myers as 'Coffee Talk'-host Linda Richman on 'SNL')


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