Monday, September 9, 2013

YET ANOTHER responsibility:

... However, this "chore" is MORE THAN WELCOME!

Rather than--PREVIOUSLY--email my blog-posts to "the Creator" (... Am I in 'The Matrix'?!)--the "middleman"--for him to revise before posting MY (sometimes VERY RANDOM) thoughts, I NOW regulate MY/ALL blog-action.

On that note, PLEASE feel free to "COMMENT" on ANY post you (my readers) so desire.
(I'll "reply" to AS MANY "comments" as time allows.)
(... Let's NOT forget about my REQUIRED time for my "recovery"/"rehabilitation".
(... JEEZ!  Don't those words make it seem like I "abuse" alcohol?
"The FIRST step is ADMITTING you have a problem."-A.A.)

(... NOT funny)

(... Maybe A LITTLE?)

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