Tuesday, September 17, 2013

'Cogito ergo sum.'

(It's Latin for 'I THINK, therefore I AM.')

(My LOGICAL, CLEAR-MINDED thinking  "falls" in DIRECT contrast to the thoughts/opinions/beliefs of the American government.)

Although I cannot consistently speak cogently--YET--or walk--YET, I can still VERY CLEARLY/LUCIDLY understand MUCH of what happens around me.

((... Also, since I struggle to consistently write LEGIBLY, I MUST do A LOT of MENTAL MATH.
My mom MARVELS at my "MELODIOUS" mental-mathematical mastery (--"Alliteration aside."--'Dodgeball')!))

Not only do I occasionally MENTALLY "balance my mom's checkbook, but I monitor MY OWN finances by "CRUNCHING numbers" ... IN MY HEAD.

P.S. I didn't even STUDY Latin in academia.  I was in the "SPANISH Honor Society".
(Using ebonics, "I just KNOW shit.")

((... Pardon my expletive.  I just used it to--humorously (I HOPE!)--"illustrate" my point.

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