Sunday, September 29, 2013

The math is just WRONG!

RELAX!  I meant the "office"'s adding was BLATANTLY WRONG--not MINE!
(Y'all thought I committed BLASPHEMY by speaking harsh words about MY calculations.

( DON'T revere me as some kind of a math-GOD.
I DO make--INFREQUENT--errors.  Contrary to popular belief, I AM--rather IN-frequently--"fallible"--with NUMBERS.
I just "speak" the same "language" as numbers.
I'm quite fluent in "NUMEROLOGY".)

... This past Thursday, I had an appointment to see my "podiatrist" ("foot-doctor").
((I was monitoring my watch, 'cuz my ex-girlfriend's O.C.D. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) kinda "rubbed off on me".))

I sat--twiddling my thumbs"--in the "WAITING room" of a close-to-EMPTY office for 84 minutes. ... My appointment lasted LESS THAN six minutes.

WHAT SENSE DOES IT MAKE, when I see the ACTUAL DOCTOR for less than (6/84 =) 1/14th of the time I "WAITED"?!
So, I was with my doctor for (~6/90 =) ~1/15th of my "IN-OFFICE" time.

(OBVIOUSLY, our government/society is NOT "Utilitarian"--a creed by which we'd strive for "the greatest GOOD for the greatest NUMBER".)

(... SIGH)

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