Monday, September 30, 2013

... "Consumption-Log": Week 2:

(9/223- 9/27)

Amount                                                              Time

Day 1
 ~1.75 cups of fruit-cocktail                             ~8.00 minutes
(pears, peaches and APPLE SAUCE)

Day 2
~3/4 of a cup of apple pie                              ~4.00 minutes
(from McDonald's)

Day 3
~1.5 cups of carrots                                      ~4.00 minutes

Day 4
~1 cup of peaches                                       ~3.00 minutes

Day 5
~1.5 cups of "sweet potatoes"                    ~7.00 minutes


5 days/6.5 cups of food/~26.00 minutes

(26/.0/6.5 = ~4 minutes/cup)

On average, I ate ~ONE cup of VARIOUS food per FOUR minutes.

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