Monday, September 2, 2013

... Alliteration, Part II

... Over the last ~"few" months, I've been testing my "MULTI-tasking" ability.  Up to TWICE per day, I've--SIMULTANEOUSLY--applied my deodorant--using BOTH arms, ONE-at-a-time--while my "caregiver" put on my socks.  
(Granted, this procedure USUALLY only happened SIX days-a-week.

So, if I were to "break down" my analysis MATHEMATICALLY--for MY comprehension, it'd look like this:

"Few" = 3
Days/Month = 31
Weeks/Month = ~4.328
# of days of "activity" PER MONTH = 31
# of occurrences of "activity" PER MONTH = 62

3 x 62 = 186 "specific events"

"Few" = 3
Days/Month = 30 
Weeks/Month = ~4.286
# of days of "activity" PER MONTH = (6 x ~4.286 = ~25.716 --> Round DOWN. --> 25
# of occurrences of "activity" PER MONTH = 25 

3 x 25 = 75 "specific events"

Ergo, my TOTAL # of "trials" is "x", in which 

75 < or equal to x < or equal to 186

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