Saturday, September 21, 2013

This is just how I think:


-- MATH is a UNIVERSAL language.
(Though the native, spoken LANGUAGE may differ from country to country, the numbers remain "CONSTANT" (a MATH-ematical term).

-- Numbers SUPPOSEDLY can't express emotions..
Then, explain THIS:

Don't people NEED "numbers" in order to EXPRESS an "EQUILIBRIUM"?  (My apologies.  The bioengineer in me is "bustin' out".)

In an athletic event, doesn't the SCORE--expressed "NUMERICALLY"--cause/"bring out" EMOTIONS/FEELINGS?  (The underdog-team and its fans will EXPRESS joy and excitement.  The favorite would EXPRESS sorrow, regret and worry/frustration.)
(... Provided said sport is NOT soccer or hockey--which can end in a NUMBER-based tie.  The NUMERICAL score will indicate a HAPPY, RELIEVED, victorious team and a GRUMPY, DEJECTED bunch of losers.


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