Wednesday, July 9, 2014

IF my workout--at "NeuroFit 360"--today were a CLASSIC-film, it'd be,

'The Good, the Bad and the Ugly' (1966).

(… Only, I'd REVISE/EDIT the title, so it'd more ACCURATELY describe MY exercises.  It'd NOW be
'The Fantastic, the Slightly Subpar and the Nature-Struggle'.
(… I STOOD for ~four seconds--holding onto ONLY two NON-set/NON-"anchored-in" vertical sticks/rods/poles.  … YAY!)
(… I SEMI-struggled to MAINTAIN proper balance and back/hip-posture, while I stood grasping the two long, plastic poles.)
(… All the while, I HAD TO "control my bowels", until I returned home.)

Also, I had a VERY PRODUCTIVE "Speech Therapy"-session!
-- I ATE--by MOUTH, via FORK--a scrambled egg.
-- I "OVERCAME" my EXCESS saliva to COGENTLY/UNDERSTANDABLY recite ALL of the USED words during my Scrabble-game.
-- NOT to brag, but I "wiped the floor" with my "Speech-Therapist"!

OVERALL, it was QUITE a GOOD day AND workout!


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