Monday, July 14, 2014

MIXED-REVIEW of my workout:

At "NeuroFit 360" today, there were some PROS/GOODS and CONS/BADS.

-- I did some STANDING--ALONE--with GREAT hip-shifting!
-- I slid my BAD/INJURED LEFT hand UP--AGAINST gravity--along a steel stick.
(… Yes, I "walked RIGHT INTO" the "VERTICAL Stripper-pole"-joke!)
-- I SOMEWHAT maintained EXEMPLARY neck-/head-/back-POSTURE throughout my SEVERAL ~75-second-STANDS.

-- I HAD TO sit down several times during my STANDING-exercise.
-- I "HELPED" my LEFT hand "a few" (3) times to BETTER/"more COMFORTABLY" grip said "pole".
-- I STRUGGLED to MAINTAIN my EXEMPLARY posture for more than ~half-a-minute at a time.

Overall, I'd grade my fitness-performance today as a "B+".


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