Tuesday, July 8, 2014

"SURROUND yourself with GOOD people."

… --My martial arts Professor

ALMOST NOTHING in life "can be"/is accomplished COMPLETELY/SOLELY by JUST ONE person.
Even for/with INDIVIDUAL tasks/sports, a competitor has a GROUP/TEAM of COACHES, TRAINERS and fellow-COMPETITORS/PEERS to help "DRIVE"/"PUSH" said person to be the BEST he/she CAN be.

CURRENTLY in my "RECOVERY", my OWN PRIDE and SELF-RESPECT are my MAIN "driving-forces" to be/get BETTER.
But, I mustN'T neglect/omit/forget ALL the "little people" who've "touched my life" in a POSITIVE way. 
So, THANKS be to ALL!
"God bless us, EVERYONE!"
(--Tiny Tim, 'A Christmas Story')

(… JEEZ!  There's been ALOTTA "TOUCHING" in MY life!
"Ya know, there are laws AGAINST molesting the handicapped."
--'The Bone Collector')


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