Monday, July 14, 2014

(WARNING) … "'QUANTUS' … never crashed."

"One for BAD.  Two for GOOD."

(--'Rain Man')

I just "EVACUATED my EXCRETORY-CHAMBER"--into my "Toilet-Timeout"--for the SECOND time in ~18 hours (~1,080 minutes) (~64,800 seconds).
(… THIS second "BOMB over Baghdad" was BEFORE I "ate"--via "G-tube"--my morning-meal.)
Ergo, THIS "fecal-frenzy" occurred withOUT ANY "medicinal-PROVOCATION".
(… In other words, that was ALL "ME"!)

(… Actually, I'd say, "… ALL I", 'cuz it's a "predicate-nominative".)

(… I--SERIOUSLY--JUST nudged up my glasses!)

(… VERY NERD-esque!)

ANYWAY, I VEHEMENTLY apologize for BLOGGING about my digestive system's LATE-"activities"!
But, I kinda HAVE TO remind myself that I "went", 'cuz my staff--who are SUPPOSED TO write down WHEN I "go"--often FORGET to "jot it down".


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