Tuesday, August 5, 2014


I'm NOT sure if the saying goes,

"The best OFFENSE is a good DEFENSE"


"The best DEFENSE is a good OFFENSE".


But, being the SPORTS-NUT that I am … as (AMERICAN) football-season IMMINENTLY approaches, I've analyzed athletic-"STRATEEJURY"(--'SNL', making fun of ex-President George W. Bush) and concluded that (See subject.).

-- If your DEFENSE totally "BLANKETS"/DOMINATES/"SHUTS DOWN" your opponent, then your OFFENSE doesn't HAFTA do MUCH to earn the "W".

-- If your OFFENSE seems to score "AT WILL", then your DEFENSE can kinda RELAX … as they KNOW the opposition's "playin' CATCH-UP".

P.S. It DEEPLY SADDENS me that I am NOW--WAY TOO--sedentary.
PRE-accident I led a VERY ACTIVE/ATHLETIC/PHYSICAL lifestyle!
(… Contrary to MANY OVERWEIGHT/OBESE Americans)

(… That's ONE reason why I PRIDE MYSELF on my HALF-Turkish heritage!)


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