Friday, August 1, 2014

"It looks like the 'STUDENT' has become the 'MASTER'."

… --'The Karate Kid'

Earlier today, I was in the waiting-room at my "PRIMARY-CARE" doctor's office, when my mom & I began to discuss how MY LIFE's goin'.
(My mom's a "Speech/Language Pathologist".)

I remarked that I TEND to get (VERY) "agitated", when people do NOT understand my MOTIONS or "WORDS" on my "letter-board".
My mom THEN asked me, "Do you mean 'AGGRAVATED'?"
I shook my head.  "'AGGRAVATED' has a NEGATIVE and ANGRY correlation.  I'm NOT mad.  The feeling is more … frustration."
My mom's reply: "You may be RIGHT.  But, I just DON'T LIKE the word."

(… I went ahead and did that for ya, Mom.
It turns out:

((… If you examine the words "fUrther" (… NOT "fArther" … 'cuz it's a "degree of intensity") in terms of the SEVERITY of the DISTURBANCE, then

"aggravated" >> "agitated"



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