Saturday, August 9, 2014

"MIND, body & soul" = ONE

"It is WRONG to gratify a BAD man in a BAD way
and RIGHT to gratify a RIGHT man in a RIGHT way.
A BAD man--in THIS 'connection'--is the lover of the COMMON type, who loves the BODY rather the MIND.  He is not NOT 'constant', because he loves something that is NOT constant: as soon as the bloom of the BODY fades, … he 'flies' AWAY and is GONE, … bringing disgrace on ALL he said and promised.  But, the man who loves GOODNESS of CHARACTER is 'constant' throughout his life, since he has become UNITED with something 'CONSTANT'."

(… A fellow "Calculus BC A.P."-student--in 12th grade--quoted Maude Lebowski of the film, 'The Big Lebowski'--about ME:
"He's a GOOD man … and THOROUGH.")
(… METAPHORICALLY, yes.  But, LITERALLY, no, … I canNOT "FLY".)
((… Although MANY of my PHYSICAL attributes have ALTERED (They're "VARIABLE".), I STILL possess 'A Beautiful Mind' (GREAT film!)!  It's "CONSTANT".))

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