Sunday, August 10, 2014

"NEVER say 'never',"

… "because LIMITS--like FEARS--are OFTEN just an ILLUSION."
(--Michael Jordan)

(I really MUST … CALM DOWN!)
(DEEP inhalation … followed by a DEEP, AUDIBLE exhalation)

I'm--almost TOO--OBSESSED with proving my "naysayers"/doubters/haters/"doctors" WRONG!
My FOCUS tends to DRIFT from my "task AT HAND".

There are (MUCH)) MORE IMPORTANT issues to "occupy" my CONCERN/ENERGY than PETTY "ne'er-do-well"ers!

P.S. I ALWAYS put "doctors" in quotes, 'cuz--from MY UNPLEASANT experience--they've ALMOST ALL been a bunch of HAUGHTY, COCKY, EGOTISTICAL, RUDE, WHIT-COATED BUFFOONS!  So, I do NOT have a WELL-RESPECTED medical-degree FRAMED on my wall for visitors to OGLE.  But, I doN'T have ENOUGH fingers to count ALL the times YOU/THEY have been WRONG, and I've been CORRECT!
(… So, needless to say, I now have NO/ZERO respect/"coveted and DESIRED adoration" for the "HEAD-HONCHO" of the medical-profession.)
(… HOWEVER, my RESPECT and ADMIRATION has "exponentially"-GROWN for those in the NURSING-field!  They're "UMPTEEN" times BETTER handling SOCIAL and LOGICAL situations!)

P.P.S. I've been CORRECT, while my "doctors" have been IN-correct 14 times.
(… That's a rather/VERY SUB-par record to have in medical diagnoses!)
(… SIGH!)


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