Sunday, August 10, 2014

"That was my FIRST time!"

"That's what SHE said!"(--Michael Scott, 'The Office')

… So, EARLY this morning (at ~6:32 am), I NEEDED TO "answer the phone" 'cuz "Nature was calling".
Thus, I buzzed for my "caregiver", explained to him exactly WHAT I NEEDED to do and HOW I would do it.  (Now, said EMPLOYEE's English is INCONSISTENTLY okay, so I did MY BEST at LINGUISTICALLY "painting a picture".)

Consequently, I--comfortably, UN-assistedly--positioned my LEFT hand along the hand-rail of my walker.  I--accordingly, appropriately--positioned my BODY to pull myself to a STAND.
My "caregiver" HAD asked me, IF he NEEDED to HELP.  I--POLITELY--replied in the NEGATIVE.
((… I guess he "pulled an A.J." and took me LITERALLY, 'cuz he did NOT TOUCH ME throughout my WALK TO my toilet (32 STEPS!))

After "shaking", SLIGHTLY "wiping DRY", flushing and pulling up my boxer-briefs (ONLY with this fourth "CONCLUDING-procedural step", did I require/"ask for" assistance.  The rest was ALL A.J.!) , I "hung a YOO-ee/"did a U-turn" and TRIUMPHANTLY "WALKED"---ALL DRY--the 34 steps BACK to bed.
(… AGAIN, there was NO "HELPING"/touching!)

I guess my explanations were rather GOOD, 'cuz THAT "excavation" was PRETTY DAMN GOOD!
THANKS to him!

(--my uncle, EVERY YEAR, ALL DAY, on July 4th)

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