Saturday, July 5, 2014

"KNOWING is half the battle."--G.I. Joe

Don't ASSUME you KNOW me from/by what you've HEARD.
I grow/mature DAILY.
(In MATHEMATICAL/Latin terms, I am a "'VARIABLE'".  Ergo--Thus--Consequently--Therefore--Hence, I am EVER-CHANGING.)

BESIDES, your "messenger" MAY have OUTDATED/EXPIRED information.

'Por ejemplo' (--SPANISH for 'For example'):
Almost EVERYONE hears that I have a "Traumatic BRAIN-Injury", and they ask my "caregiver" if I'm "retarded".
So, I SHUTTER, "roll my eyes", take a DEEP breath and let out a LONG, AUDIBLE SIGH of EXASPERATION.

("NEW 'shit' has 'COME TO LIGHT'!"
--'The Big Lebowski')

My injur(IES) are MAINLY


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