Sunday, July 13, 2014

ONE of my MANY aliases/'nom de plum's:

"Cornelius Pumpernickel".

According to an "M&M"s-commercial, I'm

"America's FAVORITE 'nut'".

((… LONG AGO, I reached the point in which I could JOKE about my "Traumatic Brain-Injury".  Almost EVERYONE I've met/"encountered" treats me as if I have SEVERE  mental-disorderS.
HOWEVER, if ANY of said "IGNORAMUSES" ("UNKNOWING people") actually TALKED to ME, they'd learn that my injuries/problems are FAR MORE PHYSICAL than MENTAL.))

(… My neurologic X-rays show that I have SEVERE "damage" to/on 'mi cabeza'.
However, UNLIKE what my EX-"Occupational Therapist" once--no, THREE times--told ME that
"ALL brain-injuries are the SAME", I'm an "ANOMALY".)
(… My EX-"O.T."'s BLATANT … STUPIDITY is one MAJOR reason WHY I no longer "work with" her.)
(… SIGH!)


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