Sunday, July 13, 2014


1) GREAT 1994-film about MENTAL-/PHYSICAL-toughness and COURAGE "in the face of ADVERSITY"!

2) Nothing HURT/ACHED.  I just felt I was "DUE" to "MOVE my BOWELS".
(… PLUS, I made a DEAL with my MAIN nurse that I can ONLY "EAT"--via mouth--in "Speech Therapy", if I've "EMANCIPATED my EXCREMENT" within the last 24 hours.  Since I have "Speech" TOMORROW, I "willed" "Nature to CALL".)

The Creator--of my blog NOT of 'The Matrix':
"'The Force' is STRONG with this one."

My reply: "Way to slip in that 'Star Wars'-quote, SLICK-DICK!"


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