Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Do NOT "put me in a BOX"!

I canNOT STAND "limits"!


I know what you're thinking:
"But, A.J., aren't 'limits' HELPFUL mathematical-functions?  And, aren't you a STRICT "follower" of 'NUMEROLOGY'?!"

My IMMEDIATE retort:
"First, know the PROPER MATHEMATICAL-lexicon/-language/-terminology.  A 'limit' is NOT a MATHEMATICAL-'function', 'cuz a (I make QUOTATION-MARKS with my fingers.) 'limit' does NOT 'express a relation between two sets, in which ONE element of the SECOND set is assigned to each element of the FIRST set', … as the 'EXPRESSION': y = x^2.
… ACTUALLY, I ALSO erred in my 'lingo-explanation'.  Since my example contains an EQUALS-sign, it's called an 'EQUATION'.

Secondly, I am referring to my DIS-taste for NON-mathematical, PHYSICAL, more LITERAL 'limits'.  Such 'LIMITS' are more 'BOUNDARIES' or 'RESTRICTIONS'.  These 'limits' serve more to CONFINE or REDUCE action, while MATHEMATICAL-'limits' act more as 'GUIDES' to PROMOTE action … within the 'GUIDE-lines."

Y'ALL: "'Tou-CHE'!"

ME: "If you mess with the BULL, you get the HORNS!"

(… THEN, I pushed up my glasses.)



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