Monday, September 22, 2014

PURELY hypothetical:

(Or, IS IT?!)

"If I could speak the language of rabbits, they would be amazed, and I would be their KING.  

would be kind to my rabbit-subjects  at FIRST.  

One day, I hold a great ball for the President of France, but the rabbits don't come.  I'm 

embarrassed, so I eat all the lettuce in the world ... and make the rabbits watch."

(--Raj, 'The Big Bang Theory')

( I'm watching it.)

This hypothetical-situation DOES relate to my MENTAL-rehab, 'cuz 

-- I've ALWAYS been SKILLED/SEMI-fluent in MANY languages. 

(English, Turkish, Japanese, Spanish, Latin, Italian, German)

--  My brother USED TO own a pet-rabbit.

-- I like salad.  (Caesar, Macaroni, Greek, Potato)


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