Sunday, September 28, 2014

(WARNING) I am gaining more and more … and MORE CONFIDENCE in my "WALKING"!

I NEVER use my urinal anymore--AT HOME!
I ALWAYS "WALK" to my toilet to "STAND" …
and "AIM".
(… EVEN if "Nature calls" at 4:48 am--like it DID this morning!)

(… Speaking of MY "communications with Mother Nature", I have one MAJOR rule about my Lengthy Lavatory Leg-workouts:
("Alliteration aside.")
Although I REALLY WANNA "WALK" as OFTEN/FREQUENTLY as I CAN, I AM a "Biomedical Engineer" … with a THOROUGH background of "ACING" physics.
Ergo, I UNDERSTAND that my "WALKING" tends to cause my rectum and anus to TIGHTEN/CONTRACT.  So, if/when I "hafta go #2", I have my toilet-chair brought TO ME.)

((… After said Excretory-Endeavor is Excitedly Emancipated,
(A.J.!  STOP with the ALLITERATION!)
I Want my Walker to Willfully Wander back to Whatever Was "Waking my Wonder".))


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