Sunday, September 28, 2014

Word's goin' 'round.

Apparently, the news that I VERY MUCH
Seek Solo-Sauntering with Some Slow--but Steady and Stable---Strides.
"Alliteration aside."(--'Dodgeball')
I haveN'T even HAD TO tell my assorted caregivers NOT to help me STAND, WALK and/or TURN.  They'd just notice how LITTLE help they'd HAFTA give.  Over time they've just "put two and two together":  (YAY!)
(Their INNER-monologue:) "Since A.J.'s trying to be more INDEPENDENT, and he's doing practically 100% of the 'WORK', why don't I just NOT assist him AT ALL. … But, I'll stay CLOSE, in case he stumbles."
ME: "I concur."
(… I used my SUPERSONIC hearing to UNDERSTAND their NON-audible, "INNER-monologues".)
(… For Halloween I MIGHT be "Professor X"-"reading minds while traveling via wheelchair".)


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