Sunday, September 21, 2014


"I am God's GREATEST 'recipe':

Two cups of CLASS,
half-a-cup of WIT,
one teaspoon of HANDSOME,
a pinch of SASS

and, because I'm JUST ANOTHER 'white dude',
four cups of VANILLA."
(--'Late Night with Seth Meyers')

(… PERSONALLY, MY "recipe" NEEDS EXTRA "wit", EXTRA "sass" & perhaps slightly LESS "class".)

(… REVISED "recipe":
-- 1 3/4 cups of CLASS
-- one FULL cup of WIT
-- one teaspoon of HANDSOME
-- three tablespoons of SASS
-- 4 cups of VANILLA

(… IF you--SOMEHOW--do NOT like me, then
"EAT IT!")
(… MORE slang)


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