Sunday, September 7, 2014

Numbers are STILL a MAJOR factor in ALL of my REASONING.

-- Since almost ALL of my tasks take ME slightly long-ER than usual to accomplish, I HAFTA allot EXTRA time to PREPARE before I BEGIN said activities.
(To be "safe" on/for TIME, I generally allow ~15 minutes of ADDITIONAL prep-time BEFORE any/all house-departures.)
-- Even though there are  FIVE different speeds on my MOTORIZED-wheelchair, I ONLY use speed/gear-1 in tight-spaces with close-corners.  I shift UP to gear-2 on most straightaways--in my LARGE house.  Furthermore, I "VENTURE UP" to gears-3 through -5 in my LARGE, OPEN living room.
-- To help me create/maintain BALANCE, I conduct an EQUAL # of repetitions on each SIDE of my body.
(If said exercise is a test of my STRENGTH or ENDURANCE/STAMINA, I MAY increase my # of reps to FURTHER "push myself".)
((… "The difference between ORDINARY and EXTRAORDINARY … is that little EXTRA."
-- When I need to "EXCRETE a DUMP-DEPOSIT", I signal to my caregiver--with my RIGHT index and middle fingers--that I NEED TO GO "#2".
(… With my LOUD flatulence, the signal for "PEACE" is kinda "FALSE advertising"!)
(… Ha ha HA!  C'mon, my "ECHOING Evacuation of my Excretory Ensembles" is Entertaining!)

"Alliteration aside."

… I STRICTLY ABIDE by these "wheelchair-speed" "regulations".

"This isN'T 'Nam.  There are RULES!"
(--Walter Sobchak, 'The Big Lebowski')


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