Tuesday, September 2, 2014


(I apologize--in ADVANCE--to my readers for my

"Barrage of Bathroom-Banter"/"Tawdry Toilet-Talk"/"Lewd Lexicon of Lavatory-Lingo".)

"Alliteration aside."(--'Dodgeball')
Temporarily, my "Triumphant Treks To my Toilet" ((… A.J., STOP with the ALLITERATION!  ("The FIRST step is ADMITTING you have a  PROBLEM."--Alcoholics Anonymous)  You're NOT that CLEVER!))  are a MAJOR project-focus of mine.  
Thus, I should write about my current "WORK".

Speaking of my "Wonderful 'Walking While Withholding my 'Wee-Wee'/Whiz", I BEGAN my day--as has become my morning-ROUTINE--by casually "strolling over" to 'mi banyo' for my FIRST morning-"urinary deposit".
(… Keep up the GOOD "work", A.J..)

P.S. Who am I kidding?!  "HATS OFF" for that "T"-alliteration!  
'Twas Terrifically Tremendous yet Tastefully Tantalizing!
(SHUCKS!  Altan's Awesome And Amazing Alliteration Apparently Affixed itself Aboard MY Apt "Airheadedness")
(… MORE?!
"DOUBLE FARTS!"--FRUSTRATED Spalding in 'Caddyshack')


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