Sunday, September 7, 2014

Why NOT begin my day with a GREAT feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT?!

… So, I start EVERY MORNING with a ("WALKING"-)trek to my "urinary-DISPOSAL unit".

However, SUNDAYS are a TAD different/special/"heightened".  During my "WALK(S)" to said "porcelain throne", my caregiver does NOT help me--AT ALL.
So, the "WORK" (weight-transferring, stepping, steering, turning, hand-transferring, etc.) is "ALL ME!"
(… Thanks, "NeuroFit 360"!)

TODAY was PARTICULARLY ENCOURAGING, because said "helper" had ZERO/NO/ZILCH touches of "my person"!  USUALLY, he MAY just touch me as a SAFEGUARD in case I stumble.  But, I just made NO "awkward"/UN-easy steps!  Ergo, there were 96 "WALKING" "STEPS" of CONFIDENT STABILITY.


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