Wednesday, November 13, 2013

… GREAT workout (continued):

I REPEATEDLY stepped--maintaining EXEMPLARY neck- and back-posture--on the "I-care".
Once I started using said machine, I "stepped" for ~7 minutes.  (Actually, it was 6:58.)
Then, I had to rest, 'cuz my legs were fatigued.
After my "break" of ~2 minutes, I did my dramatic-interpretation of the film, 'Step Up Revolutions', for another EIGHT minutes and one second.
(So, I did FIFTEEN TOTAL MINUTES of STEPPING--with only ONE "break".)
(… I USUALLY only do TEN MINUTES … with TWO breaks.)

Also, I did some STANDING, leaning on my hands ON SAID TABLE and WALKING--SLOWLY, STEP-by-STEP--AROUND the table.
I made it ~9/8 of the way AROUND the ~8 feet by ~2 feet table, before I sat and rested.
THEN, after ~2 minutes, I SUCCESSFULLY, PAINLESSLY completed the last ~7/8 of my "trek" for TWO COMPLETE TRIPS AROUND the table.
(~8 x ~2 feet x 2 cycles = ~32 square feet
 = ~32 square feet x 12 inches/foot = 384 square-inches)

MORE improvement = YAY!


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