Monday, November 25, 2013

"If you WILL it, 'Dude', it is NO 'dream'."

… I like to quote Walter Sobchak--who's quoting Theodor Herzyl's 'State of Israel'--in my FAVORITE film--'The Big Lebowski'.

… This quote summarizes my outlook on my recovery/"rehabilitation".
(I recite it to myself, before I "WALK"--with my walker.)

Unfortunately, not everyone can be as OPTIMISTIC as I AM.
((… I won't mention any names, but (cough, COUGH, cleating my throat) ALL of my (IDIOTIC) PESSIMISTIC doctors--RIGHT AFTER my accident--said that I would "DEFINITELY spend THE REST of (my) SHORT life as a 'VEGETABLE'".))
Well then, by THAT "reasoning" (HA!)--AND the transitive property of mathematics (If A = B and B = C, then A = C.), I should NOT be "functioning"/"processing info" so WELL--or, AT ALL--right now.

Also, since--according to THEM--I'm a "vegetable", then why don't y'all just "EAT ME!"(--slang)?

(… PARDON my obvious DISDAIN/"LACK OF respect" for MOST "medical-chiefs".
I had to "VENT".)

P.S. Do I--SOMEHOW--prove mathematics WRONG?!
(… I really am 'Good Will Hunting'.)

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