Friday, November 1, 2013

"What IS 'REAL'?"

… "How do you DEFINE 'REAL'?"

"'FATE' can't help but be defined with a sense of IRONY."
(--Morpheus, 'The Matrix')

((The "IRONY" of my accident is that I was driving home from KARATE-class, and I COULDA/WOULDA/SHOULDA done a "shoulder-roll"--that I learned and REGULARLY practiced IN said Karate-class--upon my being EJECTED from my flipping car and onto the highway.  It was July 6, 2008--"a date which will live in INFAMY"(--President FDR).))

Am I IN 'The Matrix'?!

"I know … 'JIUJITSU'?"--'The Matrix'

(… I already KNOW and TEACH "IT".
… It only took me ~15 years.)

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