Sunday, November 10, 2013

… Sunday (TODAY) is SUPPOSED TO be my "RELAX-day"!

However, I say, "NAY!"


1) I walked--aided/assisted by my walker--not my USUAL once from my bed to my bathroom-sink, but TWO SEPARATE times.  Also, to conclude BOTH walks, I maneuvered my feet in front of my chair to position myself accordingly.   I made sure I could let go of my walker with my (BETTER) RIGHT hand to reach back and grasp my wheelchair-armhandle.  Then, I'd--SLOWLY--lower my butt/rump/'gluteus maximus'/"BEE-hind/"money-maker" down onto my wheelchair.
I was NOT content with the speed of my "butt-lowering" on my first attempt.  So, I grabbed my walker and pushed myself to a STAND-UP to REPEAT my "sit-down procedure".  I STILL was NOT satisfied with my "sitting-form/etiquette".  So, I STOOD UP and REPEATED the sitting-procedure until I was satisfied with my effort … which was FOUR MORE times.

2) I have NOT really CONSISTENTLY done squats in my bathroom since I started my GREAT, PRODUCTIVE, EXHAUSTING leg-work at my EXCEPTIONAL gym ("NeuroFit 360").  Yet, TODAY I'm feeling ENERGETIC.  So, instead of my USUAL 20 squats, I did 30 squats--SLOW, DEEP and PAINLESS.

YAY for my--SEEMINGLY weak--legs!


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