Friday, November 8, 2013

WOW! I must've done SOMETHING right!

When I just "roll into" my "martial arts"-dojo/school JUST to WATCH--NOT TEACH--class (as I did last night), I get treated with such GREAT RESPECT.
I didn't even HAVE TO quote Eric Cartman from 'South Park' and yell,


I guess word "got around" of my "trials and tribulations", and ALL I've had to OVERCOME.

As my "thank you"-message to the Professor, I demonstrated my standing--WITHOUT ANY HELP--from my wheelchair.
(… Granted, my "FEAT" only lasted for a few seconds.  But, it's the PRINCIPLE!)

(… In actuality, the LOYAL, RESPECTFUL students are a reflection of the GREAT, DETERMINED, RESPECTFUL manner in which my Professor teaches.)

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