Sunday, November 24, 2013

WHOA! I can just "SENSE" it.

So, my "caregiver" is SUPPOSED TO arrive at my house at 6:00 am EVERY MORNING.
For the last THREE DAYS, my "internal clock" has awoken me (at between 5:57 am and 5:59 am),--early enough to "monitor" (Well, I can't really "GET UP, WALK AROUND and OBSERVE".) (… Ha ha HA.  I made a JOKE about my DISABILITY.) (… If you DON'T laugh WITH--not AT--me, then "NATURE"'s winning.) their (I "employ" two MAIN guys.) arrival-time, setup, etc.

Now, PRIOR to my "trial-run"/"experiment", I THOUGHT I was waking up that EARLY, 'cuz of my "SUPERSONIC hearing".  Their "moseying about" my house was sometimes A BIT too LOUD for my SENSITIVE, EXTRAORDINARY ears.
However, on EACH of the last THREE days, I've noticed that they've been TRUANT.

Ergo, I must shift/"MORPH" into "BOSS-mode".
(I must "crack that whip".)


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