Friday, October 10, 2014

After watching, 'X-Men' YET AGAIN,

… I got to pondering:
What supernatural-POWER would I desire?

Well, 'tis A BIT of a "TOSS-UP" between

the MIND-reading/-overpowering SKILLS of
Professor Charles Xavier


the "QUICK HEALING"-powers of

Based on my CURRENT "condition", I'm "leaning TOWARDS"
Wolverine's "ADAMANTIUM"-covered BONES.

((… I'm officially FREE of the "HELLHOLE" ("Florida Institute of Neurological Rehabilitation") where I--CONSTANTLY--questioned the MENTAL-capacity/-aptitude of the ENTIRE "good-for-NOTHING" staff!))
(… So, I no longer NEED mind-CONTROL.)

(… YES.  I hold a GRUDGE.)

((… It STINGS my HEART--and my back pocket (where my WALLET would be)--when the "NeuroFit 360"-staff ROUTINELY question me … in BEWILDERMENT:
"How could your (MY) last facility NOT test/work THAT?!"))

(… Would I get in trouble if I said that
"I wouldN'T give two SHITS, if that money-STEALING, retard-EMPLOYING, patient-IGNORING "NIGHTMARE" went OUT-OF-BUSINESS?!)

(… SHOOTSKIE, that's right.  It caN'T go bankrupt, … 'cuz it STEALS from the "less-fortunate" … like ME!)


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