Monday, October 13, 2014

My day has been SO-SO--with more GOOD than BAD."

… --MY reply to one of my LEG-trainers interrogating me about HOW I was feeling--of I was tired.

My day BEGAN with a two STELLAR "walks"--marred ONLY by my NEW "change-of-direction"-FINISH.
Next, I had a WONDERFUL "Speech therapy"-session.  (My pro-NUN-see-AY-shun is improving.  YAY!)
My COUNTING and ability to follow INSTRUCTIONS are struggling.
… Said "struggles" were just a … HELPFUL JOKE!
I'm SLIGHTLY "at a LOSS" of things to DO, 'cuz it's my baseball team's (the LOWLY Minnesota Twins) offseason.

Next, I had a FANTASTIC workout at "NeuroFit 360"!
MOST of my muscles actually "behaved"/responded during my ASSORTED exercises.

(I PREFER to "sell myself SHORT", 'cuz THAT allows a GREATER opportunity for IMPROVEMENT/BETTERMENT!)


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