Wednesday, October 22, 2014

GREAT start to my day!

I've ALREADY "WALKED" THREE different times to 'mi banyo' to "RELIEVE myself"--via URINE.

Trial #1:
63 steps w/ 4 steps eyes-DOWN (TO toilet)
61 steps w/ 4 steps eyes DOWN (TO bed)

Trial # 2:
59 steps w/ 2 steps eyes DOWN (TO toilet)
59 steps w/ 3 steps eyes DOWN (TO bed)

57 steps w/ ZERO steps eyes DOWN (TO toilet)
(… YAY!)
55 steps w/ 2 steps eyes DOWN (TO bed)

Ergo, NOT ONLY did I have ONE VIRTUALLY "FLAWLESS" (… "Virtually … FLAWLESS"?!  Ha ha HA!)"toilet-trek, but I get to do MORE … MATH!)

(… COUGH cough!  … NERD!)

(… Calculator-noise)
THAT' an average of
59.0 STEPS per "WALK"
with ~2.67 STEPS glancing DOWN.

and my CONFIDENCE/TRUST in my feet is GROWING!


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