Monday, October 20, 2014

"NEW 'shit' has come to light."

(--'The Big Lebowski')

So, I went film-shopping recently.
I bought two dvds for MY entertainment.
While AT 'Walgreens', I discovered SEMI-startling/disheartening evidence that--SADLY, UNFORTUNATELY--

MANY people are INCONSIDERATE and flat-out RUDE to disabled individuals--like ME.

-- Two DIFFERENT fellow-customers drove their carts … INTO ME.
(… At my lowER height, am I THAT DIFFICULT to SEE/SPOT?!)
(… ONE person didN'T even APOLOGIZE!)

-- Another customer (a middle-aged man) saw that I was REACHING for the LAST of this particular dvd, and he practically RAN OVER to snatch it up!
(… Just IGNORE common-couresy regarding MY being in a wheelchair AND MY reaching for the film FIRST.)
(… THAT was UBER-sarcastic!)


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