Sunday, October 12, 2014

"Be KIND."

"For EVERYONE you meet 
is 'FIGHTING' a 'BATTLE' you know NOTHING about."
(--Maria Shriver)

Ms. Shriver's INSIGHTFUL advice reminded me of
how INFURIATING it is when people tell ME,

"I KNOW how you feel."

(… Wait, wait, … WAIT!
I'm "throwin' the BULLSHIT-flag" on you, 'cuz … ya DON'T!)

Possibly my new, BIGGEST pet-peeve is when people express their--SUPPOSED--"empathy" for my CURRENT/TEMPORARY … "situation".

I'll refer said DUMBASSES to the common saying,


Just WALK to the corner, face the wall, sit "INDIAN-STYLE" on the floor, put on YOUR "DUNCE"-hat, shut your eyes and ponder YOUR PATHETIC existence.

P.S. Is THAT term--"INDIAN-style"--OFFENSIVE/"NON-P.C."?!


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