Sunday, October 5, 2014

(SINISTER laugh:) "Mu-HA-HA!"

"Sometimes 'CRAZY' LOOKS LIKE 'sad' to SUCK YOU BACK IN!"
(--'The Big Bang Theory')

I don't ALWAYS smile, because I STILL HAFTA rely on OTHERS for HELP with MANY of my EVERYDAY-activities.  Those OTHER people--UNFORTUNATELY--are NOT 100%-RELIABLE.
(… But, who IS?!  "SHIT happens.")
(… We canNOT control--METAPHORICAL--"SHIT".)

But, I can/will ASSURE Y'ALL that I'm MORE "CRAZY" than I am "SAD"!
(… The "KEY" is to ALWAYS remain OPTIMISTIC!)

P.S. I am FULLY/COMPLETELY AWARE of the COMPARATIVE-form of "crazy" is "crazIER", and "sad" is "sadDER".


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