Tuesday, October 7, 2014


"People FEAR what they doN'T understand!"

"Men fear MOST what they canNOT see."

(--'Batman Begins')

… By THIS reasoning, I must "scare the BAJEESUS" out of ALOTTA people--INCLUDING my EX-"doctors".

-- I have a "Traumatic Brain-Injury", yet I STILL function quite WELL/ADMIRABLY in ALMOST ALL that I (TRY TO) do--very much UNlike the "VEGETABLE" ALL my "doctors" CLAIMED I SHOULD be.
-- Said CATASTROPHIC injury is IN my BRAIN.  Thus, 'tis NOT SEEN by the "naked eye".)

"It is NOT who you are 'UNDERNEATH', but what you DO that 'defines you'."

"I RESPECT the MIND's POWER over the BODY.
That's why I do what I do."

(--'Batman Begins')


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