Sunday, October 26, 2014

REVISED blogging-protocol:

Since I'm "A BIT" (… Try "REALLY") RANDOM,
I'm NOW gonna TRY TO blog-post ONCE per day (… in the EVENING or NIGHT) with MORE EXTENSIVE/DETAILED "posts".

(… NOT including this BRIEF post)

So, since I do NOT really go OUT that often, (I worry VERY/TOO MUCH that others' IGNORANCE would/will FRUSTRATE/UPSET me SO MUCH that I'll cause HARM to MYSELF and/or OTHERS.
Thus, I tend to AVOID those situations.), I HOSTED a MINOR party for some FRIENDS this past Saturday night.

GOOD times were had by ALL.  (I asked.)
IN ADDITION TO the great, inordinate amount of FUN I had just SOCIALIZING, I played some "'BEIRUT'"/"BEER PONG".  (… OODLES of FUN!)
MERRILY playing this game allowed me to
-- practice my TRIGONOMETRY/"ANGLE-MANIPULATION" & PHYSICS as I BOUNCED ping pong balls into "Solo"-cups of beer
-- minimize my COMPETITIVE-personality traits by "working"/playing with FRIENDS
-- continue my SOCIAL-persona as a JOVIAL, FRIENDLY goofball.



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