Monday, October 13, 2014

The LITTLE things AMUSE me!

So, I had a GREAT day in "Speech-Therapy"!

MANY TIMES in said "sessions", my "teacher" and I play Scrabble.
(… Not ONLY is it VERY FUN, but since we are BOTH VERY "word-WISE".)
I played the word "COAXED" for 69 points--the MOST I have EVER scored on ONE WORD!
Needless to say, I won 181-89.

(… Toward the end of the session, she told me, "One more bite!"
So, I had SIX more … to FINISH EATING … by MOUTH … my TWO scrambled eggs!)

(… I have a FIXATION with NUMBERS!)
(… MORE will come later about my NUMERIC-OBSESSION …)

P.S. My SPEECH-Therapist ALSO complimented my "IMPROVING annunciation" AND "eating/swallowing"!


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