Sunday, October 5, 2014

"Reach"/Aim highER!

"DON'T be 'just another member of society'.
BE a 'LIVING' example of your DREAMS & GOALS."
(--'Fitness World')

((… I "DREAM" of a FULL, HEALTHY physical & mental RECOVERY!
My "GOAL" is to ACHIEVE this in the (SOMEWHAT-)NEAR future!))

(… SSSHHH!  Do NOT tell the DOLTS in the American government that I'm … ALIVE!
They'll LIKELY "INVENT"/"MAKE UP" some IMAGINARY "law" that, AGAIN, RESTRICTS my Constitutionally-PROTECTED, "INALIENABLE" rights!)

(… I will guaran-DAMN-tee that THIS "NON-existent 'VEGETABLE" WILL BEAT ANY government-official in a "'MENTAL MATH'-Jeopardy" contest!)


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