Tuesday, October 21, 2014

(WARNING) When "Nature calls", you/we/I "ANSWER"--REGARDLESS of the TIME!

Even, if it's 5:48 am--on a Tuesday (MUCH like…  TODAY), I'll "TREK" to my 'toilette' to "RELEASE my bladder-tension"--WITH a SLOWLY-formed spit wad.

After I SLOWLY--yet STEADILY--"sauntered" back to bed (64 steps), I "received ANOTHER call from NATURE"--this one more URGENT!
(Said "call" was at 6:34 am.)

My EYES have been tending to stay UP … MORE, rather than DOWN at my feet.


-- By my NON-"food" induced bathroom-trips, my body is becoming LESS-reliant on "OUTSIDE-stimuli" to SECRETE/EXCRETE its "WASTE".
-- Although my # of required-STEPS is still HIGH, the fact that my glance is up/straight-ahead MORE demonstrates my INCREASING CONFIDENCE in my OWN foot-STRENGTH & -PLACEMENT.


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