Saturday, October 4, 2014


(--'Short Circuit')

Like "Johnny 5", I'm a FACT-finding, EVERYTHING-imitating "MACHINE" (My LEFT shoulder is MOSTLY assorted metals.) who/that can-NOT (YET) walk.
When I'm in my MOTORIZED-wheelchair, I'm even MORE "mechanized".

As a result of my TRAGIC accident on July 6, 2008, I DESPERATELY sought ANSWERS/EXPLANATIONS.
IF I could TALK--at the time, I would've stammered:

"MALFUNCTION!  Need IN-put!"

CONTRARY to the opinions of MANY MORONIC government-officials, I am NOT DEAD!

"NOT 'dead'!  NO 'dis-assemble'!"

"'STUPID' …. foolish, gullible, doltish, dumbbell …"

(… I'm watching the film.)


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