Sunday, October 5, 2014

LIVE … a little! (But, be SMART about your decisions.)

"Just say, 'NO'" … to saying, "No".

(… EXCEPT with narcotics!  NON-medicinal drugs are ALWAYS "off-the-table"!)

(… "Drugs are bad.  MMMKay?"--'South Park')

(… FUNNY story: During my collegiate-career, I--UNKNOWINGLY at the time--consumed a "POT-brownie with my fraternity-brothers.  I have NEVER scraped my tongue with my toothbrush SO HARD/THOROUGHLY or TRIED TO "pull the trigger" SO VIOLENTLY/EMPHATICALLY in my life!  "IN with the GOOD.  OUT with the BAD.")

I've gotta NOT be so SEQUESTERED in my NICE, little "COMFORT-ZONE".
(… I meant "little" METAPHORICALLY or FIGURATIVELY, 'cuz my "comfort-zone" … a.k.a. "my HOUSE" is actually quite LARGE.)
(… Thank you, CRAPPY TIRES!)

(… That was "OOZING"/"DRIPPING" with SARCASM!)

(… CLEAN-UP on Aisle-7!)

(… I'm gonna take a minute to "throw a SHOUT-OUT"/"give a 'KUDOS'" to my LAW-team for RIGHTFULLY earning/winning JUSTICE in my TRAGIC case/incident.)


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