Wednesday, October 1, 2014

(WARNING) Altan, Spectacular Start to 'Senin' Saturday … Subtracted ~Sixty Seven hours!

A.J., Undo the Unnecessary, Unappreciated, Unwelcome, Utterly Ugly alliteration!


Well, I JUST began my day--after my SECOND "feeding" (… "SECOND breakfast"--'Lord of the Rings')--with a timely, "Extremely Excellent Excretory-Evacuation" of my "Bogus, Brown, Bulky Bowels"!

P.S. "'Senin'" (pronounced 'she-NEEN') is Turkish for 'Your'.

P.P.S. WHY--the HELL--do I INSIST upon blogging about my "bowel movements"/"SEMI-solid excretions?!
Well, it's 'cuz ONE of my injuries involves my digestive system.  Since "EXCRETION" is the PRIMARY HEALTHY way for "food" to "EXIT the body", I just thought it'd be APPROPRIATE to keep my readers ABREAST of my VARIOUS bodily-functions.

SLIGHT tangent: Speaking of "BREASTUSES"(--IMMATURE SLANG), it's October--"Breast Cancer Awareness Month".  So, get CHECKED … by a DOCTOR!


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