Monday, December 8, 2014

AH, "the tables/tides have TURNED"!

While I was working-out at my gym on FRIDAY, the--USUALLY very UNDERSTANDING, NICE & BRIGHT--owner VERY RUDELY, STERNLY & STUPIDLY YELLED at ME
to "STOP" and "CHILL OUT", while I SEMI-loudly VOICED my FRUSTRATION with/about my UN-"cooperating" RIGHT hand.
(… I've TOLD HIM about my BOTCHED forearm-surgery AT LEAST SIX TIMES before, so I just FIGURED he's an IDIOT.)
(… He OWNS a SUCCESSFUL business, so he caN'T be THAT forgetful!)
(… Hence my "JUMP" to HIS IDIOCY)
However, TODAY--apparently, he "saw the ERROR of his ways".  He was MUCH niceR, even CORDIAL, so my LEG-workout went MUCH smoothER!
(… So, I was able to FOCUS/CONCENTRATE more on my "exercises".)


Due to my "HIGH degree of", UN-intentionally IRRITATING IM-patience, I USUALLY "travel" around corners in my home--in my MOTORIZED wheelchair at "level-2" … out of "5".  But, once in awhile, my SPEEDY "motor-wheeling" causes me to "leave VISIBLE streakMARKS" on the walls of MY HOUSE.  Ergo, TODAY I felt I should TRY to make my inner-home more "AESTHETICALLY-APPEALING ".  Thus, I SLOWED my "house-trekking" to "SPEED-1" … with "FLAWLESS success"!


This morning I inquired my MAIN-nurse about her previous DECLARATION that my STOMACH-protruding "G-/peg-tube" is PERMANENT.
(… My HOPES, MOTIVATION & OPTIMISM were "SHOT", when she FIRST told me the LONGEVITY of said "TUBE".)
THIS TIME she commented, "With the growing IMPROVEMENT in SCIENCE & MEDICINE … AND YOUR (MY) CONSTANT PROGRESS with (MY) MOVEMENT & HEALTH, then it's certainly NOT NECESSARILY 'permanent'."

(Cue the SIGH of RELIEF.)

My "T.B.I." does "NOT NECESSARILY" hinder ALL aspects of my "BRILLIANCE".
((Outsider--to ME: "I guess I underestimated you."
MY reply: "Yeah, well, maybe next time, you will … ESTIMATE me."
(--'The Office'))



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