Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I must REPENT … for the sake of KARMA!


I VERY MUCH APOLOGIZE for FORGETTING to BLOG last night!  I had visitors LATE last night, and we had MUCH FUN with our EARLY-Christmas-festivities.

Y'ALL--to ME: "To quote the film 'Wedding Crashers', 
'Rule #76: NO excuses.  Play like a CHAMPION.'"
MY reply: "'TouCHEE'!'"


"Do you think if a man sincerely repents on what he has done 

wrong that he might get to go back to the the time that was 

happiest for him and live there forever?" 

(--'The Green Mile')


"FATE, it seems, is NOT without a sense of IRONY."

(--Morpheus, 'The Matrix')

Ergo, EXPLAIN the logic--or LACK thereof--of MY car-

accident and resulting CATASTROPHIC injurIES!

(… HOW/WHY did I DESERVE that?!)

I apologize--to MYSELF--for NOT doubting/questioning the 

auto/tire-mechanic about his (TERRIBLE, CRAPPY, 


LACK thereof!).


(Regarding my RECOVERY:)

"I doN'T believe it is a matter of 'HOPE'.  I think it is a matter 

of TIME."

(… I made a PROMISE to myself that I WOULD/WILL 

"WALK" again.)

"… Some 'PROMISES' just caN'T be UN-made."

(… --'The Matrix Reloaded')


Since I SEEK love, happiness & joy, I MUST--& DO--"give 

off"/spread/create GOOD-times!


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